Today was not a good day. I’ve been taking 75 mg of Venlafaxine slow release capsules at night for just over three weeks. My GP suggested it was time to try an increase to 150 mg. One 75 mg in the morning and one at night. Ok, I think. Big mistake.

Took the first one this morning. Awful side effects. Headache, pain along shoulders and up the back of my head. Felt really weird and agitated with all kinds of aches and pain in hands and arms. Spent most of the day in bed. Had a couple of diazepam to try and calm things down. Worked for a short time. I think the effects of the Venlafaxine are just beginning to wear off, it’s now 10:15 pm.

I’m not having a capsule tonight. I’ll wait until tomorrow night before I take another one.

I have a follow-up appointment with my GP this Thursday. There is a 37·5 mg capsule available which might be more suited to me because I think it would be better to increase the dosage slowly rather than the scatter-gun effect of adding 75 mg.

I have just taken my sleeping tablet and antihistamine tablet ( one that makes you sleepy ) and hope to get a better rest.

Fingers crossed I get my medication sorted out very soon as I’m so very tired and fed up with all the various side effects. I just would like things to calm down.

Progress report as soon as I know anything more.